A few words from the press

On a commissioned piece of original music composed by Thierry Boulanger - composer/arranger for theater and cinema whose knowledge and talent allow him to write in a wide variety of musical inspiration - , seven dancers will present their style, from popping to tap, through break, contemporary, new style, smurf or krump, before of a whimsical and important person who could influence their career ...
- Le Parisien
Drawing not only from the world of urban dance (breakdance, krump, popping), he also combines classical, contemporary, African and tap dance; an explosion of styles that draws an energetic, whimsical and seductive kaleidoscope, on a sparkling musical score.
- Danse avec la plume
Thierry Boulanger, composer of music for films and musicals of reference, signs a crystalline soundtrack, catchy and cross-referenced, woven by the hand of a master.
- Danser Canal Historique

It is worth highlighting the richness of this dynamic score filled with charm (about 75 minutes long) which, between arias, duets, trios, choral and choreographic moments (...) contributes to create a remarkable group dynamic among the forty or so children and teenagers, from 12 to 18 years old, gathered on the stage.
- www.concertclassique.com
This year, the tandem Thierry Boulanger (music) and Alyssa Landry (book and lyrics) propose a sparkling and mischievous exploration of the world of Sherlock Holmes, the story revolving around mysterious murders, theft of precious stones and a disturbing one-legged man.
- www.regardencoulisse.com
The composer Thierry Boulanger moves brilliantly from a rock, to a tango, to a salsa or a boogie-woogie.
- Le Figaro
A vibrant musical: Throughout the show, the three protagonists confide in each other about their worries, their impatience, their joys, choosing a name for the baby, learning to change a diaper, begging for strawberries, praising the virtues of an epidural,... all with humor charm and seduction. The three women sing the sixteen songs composed by Thierry Boulanger with verve.
- Zacaria Presse
The set and music are reminiscent of the universe of Jacques Demy.... A joyful, upbeat new musical score.
We congratulate Thierry Boulanger for his lively melodies


Nominated Best Musical in the 2011 Molières Awards
This improbable journey is beautifully set to music by Thierry Boulanger who performs miracles on the stage of the Vingtième Théâtre accompanied by only two musicians.
- www.fousdutheatre.com
Thierry Boulanger's music is, as always, admirable.
- www.premiere.fr
The songs are really great. One is seduced by the artisanal simplicity of the stage direction, by the crazy inventiveness of the show in which nothing is ever predictable. The troop is lively and sexy... They dance, sing, act, perform brilliant numbers and an insanely inventive score.
- www.toutelaculture.com
A gothic atmosphere layered over a cabaret style show with wild fairytale characters, the story is written by the talented Vincent Daenen fits perfectly with the music of Thierry Boulanger... The audience is drawn into the songs which oscillate between orchestrated antics and gothic melodies.
- www.theatrorama.com
(Thierry Boulanger)... has taken the best of all the genres to elaborate an original, colored and contrasted musical pallet. The score never ceases to surprise the spectator, who responds as much to the rhythm of a ballad as to that of a tango...
- www.froggydelight.com
Thierry Boulanger, who is far from a being a newcomer in the world of musicals has composed 14 inventive jazzy/cabaret songs served by a trio of musicians. He dares, at the end of the show, a particularly beautiful a cappella choral piece.
- www.musicalavenue.com

Behind the funny, offbeat and incongruous situations, there is poetry that warms the heart. We find this delicious dichotomy in the brilliant musical compositions by Thierry Boulanger and Patrick Laviosa. We tap our feet to the rhythm of certain songs, in order to better slide towards the emotion in others.
- www.pariscope.fr
The compositions of Thierry Boulanger and Patrick Laviosa play on very complementary colors, from the hilarious Corsican polyphony that opens the show to the blues lament of a disenchanted woman. The cohabitation of the two composers' styles is the most natural in the world, and creates real hits that will stay with you for a long time (like the already famous "Tupperware", or the 60's reminiscences of "Pourquoi"). The vocal arrangements are of a remarkable quality that we unfortunately too rarely hear in France.
- www.musicalavenue.fr

Prix SACD 2007
Jusqu'aux Dents is an obstetrical, round-bellied musical that is highly enjoyable. The music, composed by Thierry Boulanger, is catchy, navigating between Boogie-Woogie, Salsa, Rhythm and Blues and more traditional styles. And the spectator leaves delighted...
- www.pariscope.fr
Let's be frank, Jusqu'aux Dents represents the best of what is being created in French musical theater today: inspired, confident and efficient writing that refuses to take the easy way out, a real sense of construction and dramatic progression... and, of course, a succulent score by Thierry Boulanger. Boulanger is a gifted musician, as remarkable in the position of accompanist as when he takes up the pen.
- www.blog.parisbroadway.com
The melodies are light, and joyful and the recurring tunes are particularly successful, such as "The Countdown" very moving, or the "Backache Tango".
- www.regardencoulisses.com

Thierry Boulanger, the composer, has written a score that is remarkable in every way. The ghost of Sondheim is not far away. Knowing how to play with different musical atmospheres, and how to bring together a carefully chosen group of musicians that sounds this good is a rare talent.
- www.regardencoulisse.com
An orchestra of twelve musicians is the major and unifying asset of this show: The composition, the playing and the acoustics reveal a symphonic quality in phase with all the facets of this live jigsaw puzzle of a show!...
- www.theothea.com