For the stage
Théâtre de Paris
Following our successful collaboration on The Producers, director Alexis Malchik invited me to compose the musical interludes for the Molières Awards Ceremony, the French equivalent of the Tony Awards. I also provided the musical direction for the entire evening - a wonderful opportunity to showcase music from all the currently running musicals in France.
Tournée 2021 - 2022
Among today's many current subjects of concern, the fate of our planet has become a recurring theme. Baobabs delves into choreographic styles from across the globe against the background of these existential questions.
Commissioned by choreographer Josette Baïz, the show is performed by the Groupe Grenade, a company of very young dance professionals.
Artistic direction and choreography: Josette Baïz
With Hector Amiel, Zhina Boumdouha, Ethel Briand, Victoire Chopineaux, Thelma Deroche-Marc, Joanna Freling, Nina Koch, Tristan Marsala, Lou Gautron, Mathis Frutero, Louka Porzizek, Douhra Mimoun, Lilith Orecchioni, Lise Peronne
Théâtre de Suresnes, national tour 2019
Eight dancers audition, each in their individual style, from popping to tap, by way of break, contemporary, new style, smurf and krump, in front of a person of great importance for their career. The choreographer, Josette Baïz, has explored each style in close collaboration with the artists who are champions in their field.
With Matthieu Corosine, Adrien Goulinet, Wilfried Blé, Amel Sinapayen, Sonia Bel Hadjbrahim, Mwendwa Marchand, Axel Loubette and Kim Evin
Théâtre Jacques Prévert, Opéra Bastille, 2019
In London, a serial killer leaves a single clue at the crime scene of each of his three victims: a mysterious symbol painted in red. After a fourth murder, Inspector Lestrade makes an arrest. But is the accused really guilty? Sherlock Holmes is not so sure!
Created for the talented young performers of the CRÉA, this show opened in Aulnay before moving to the Bastille Opera Amphitheater in January 2019.
Book and lyrics: Alyssa Landry
Artistic and musical direction: Didier Grojsman
Director : Jean-Michel Fournereau
Choreography: Anne-Marie Gros
Théâtre Trévise, 2018
Three friends find themselves with a bun in the oven. A rollicking roller coaster of hormonal chaos ensues as the countdown begins…
Originally titled “Jusqu'aux Dents“ (Prix SACD 2007), the show was given a major rewrite and played at the Théâtre Trévise from January through April 2018.
Book and lyrics: Alyssa Landry et Emanuel Lenormand
With Anaïs Delva, Cécilia Cara, Marion Posta et Claire Pérot, Dalia Constantin, Magalie Bonfils
Musique de scène, Théâtre des Carmes 2015
Saturnine has found a comfortable and inexpensive rental. Its new owner, Elemirio, chose him from among the many other candidates who were pushing to be the lucky one, despite the sulfurous reputation of the noble Parisian hidalgo.
Based in the novel by Amélie Nothomb
Theatrical adaptation by Gérald Aubert
Directed by Pierre Santini
With Pierre Santini, Charlotte Adrien, Xavier de Guillebon
Vingtième Théâtre, tournée 2011
What is happening on Moon Island on this monstrously stormy night? Part vaudeville, part burlesque revue, La Nuit d'Elliot Fall is a musical road-movie in the form of an initiatory fairy tale, playing with the genres and codes of fabulous stories to better transgress them.
Nominated for Best Musical in the 2011 Molières Awards
Book by Vincent Daenen
Directed by Jean-Luc Revol
With Denis d’Arcangelo, Sinan Bertrand, Sophie Tellier,Christine Bonnard, Olivier Breitman, Flannan Obé.
Adaptation française de Albert Algoud avec Michel Leeb au Théâtre de Paris, 2001
If Alex, a multi-talented actor, hadn't lost his job, his wife wouldn't have left him... and he wouldn't have been separated from his three children. Irresponsible father? Immature father? That's what his wife thinks anyway!
Directed by Daniel Roussel
With Mélanie Brion, Laurent Cazanave, Clément Chebli, Eugénie Crenn, Pierre Augustin Crenn, Juliette Fleur, Manon Gaurin, Benoîte Gazères, Michel Leeb, Francis Lemaire, José Antoine Marin, Mathilde Meyer, Jordy Serras, Idwig Stephane, Caroline Tresca, Bruno Villeneuve