Théâtre de Paris, 2021 to 2023
I took great pleasure in conducting Mel Brook's cult musical, The Producers, for the two years of its run at the Théâtre de Paris.
Directed by Alexis Michalik
With: Benoît Cauden, Serge Postigo, Roxane Le Texier, Andy Cocq, David Eguren, Régis Vallée, Véronique Hatat, Hervé Lewandowski, Sébastien Paulet, Alexandre Bernot, Loaï Rahman, Marianne Orlowski, Eva Tesiorowski, Léo Maindron, Carla Dona, Melissa Linton, Romane Gence.
Théâtre Marigny, October 2018 to February 2019 (in alternance with Patrice Peyriéras)
For the reopening of the magnificent Théâtre Marigny, Jean-Luc Choplin decided to adapt this classic of French cinema. The magical music of Michel Legrand, a great team and outstanding musicians... The musical direction of this show will remain one of my best memories of the winter of 2019.
Directed by Emilio Sagi
With Marie Oppert, Michael Denard, Emma Kate Nelson, Olivier Fredj, Mathieu Spinosi, Marie-Agnès Gillot, Christine Gagnieux, Franck Lopez et la participation exceptionnelle de Claire Chazal.
Théatre du Palais Royal, Théâtre de la Michodière, tournée 2014 à 2017 (en alternance avec Daniel Glet)
What can I say, except that this kind of adventure is every artist's dream: authors with verve, a talented and close-knit troupe joyfully directed by a generous and inventive director and composer, and an enthusiastic audience!
Written by Georges Feydeau
Adaptator/composer/director: Hervé Devolder
Artistes: Christine Bonnard, Charlotte Filou, Clara Hesse, Claudine Vincent, Adrien Biry-Vicente, Arnaud Denissel, Hervé Devolder, Fabrice Fara, Guillaume Bouchède, Patrice Latronche, Franck Vincent
Palais des Sports 2014 and on tour (in alternance with Karim Medjebeur
This intense experience started at the Palais des Sports in Paris and continued in stadiums across France. Conducting the Chorus and Symphony Orchestra of Kiev, the rock and roll musicians of the "band" and the troupe of talented singers who made such a success of this musical gave me the opportunity to explore a new style in my musical journey.
Music by Dove Attia, Jean-Pierre Pilot, Olivier Schultheis, William Rousseau, Nicolas Luciani, Rodrigue Janois and François Castello, lyrics by Vincent Baguian and Patrice Guirao and a book by Attia and François Chouquet.
Théâtre de Paris, 2010
"Rendez-vous" is the French adaptation of "She Loves Me". Kad Mérad plays the role of Georg Nowack, director of a perfume factory in Hungary. A quiet and discreet man who anonymously corresponds with a "very dear" stranger with whom he has fallen in love without meeting. Soon, a new saleswoman, Amalia Balash, arrives. Immediately, the two characters hate each other. And yet, they will quickly discover that they have been writing to each other for several months without even knowing it!
Directed by Jean-Luc Revol
Avec Kad Merad, Magali Bonfils, Laurent Lafitte, Pierre Santini, Alyssa Landry, Andy Cocq, Paolo Domingo, Jean-Michel Fournereau, Lauri Lupi, Sofia Naït, Mélusine, Laure Balon, François Beretta, Grégory Gonel, Olivier Tiago Do Nacimiento
Théâtre de Suresnes/tournée 1998 et 2008
In the beginning was "Souingue"... an adventure started in 1998 by seven jazz fans: a burlesque show if ever there was one, applauded more than 250 times in the four corners of France...
Reprising the witty words of great authors and the iconic performances of personalities of the French stage, we decided to "re-souingue" in 2008, in a new review of post-war repertoire.
Thirty unexpected and humorous songs, from Boby Lapointe to Nougaro, which I had the pleasure of arranging for my long-time accomplices!
Directed by Laurent Pelly
Avec Fabienne Guyon, Florence Pelly, Gilles Vajou et Jacques Verzier
Théâtre National de Chaillot, 2007

Thanks to the inventive eye of director Jean-Baptiste Sastre, Eugène Labiche's vaudeville has become comic, original and... musical! Denis Podalydès, Eric Boucher and Patrice Kerbrat, among many others, created fabulous characters while singing - a challenge they met to the delight of the audience.
By Eugène Labiche
Directed by: Jean-Baptiste Sastre
With: Eric Boucher, Claude Degliame, Vladislav Galard,
Florence Janas, Patrice Kerbrat, Marie Payen,
Denis Podalydès, Alexandre Steiger